Build A Website... You're smarter than you think.


Why Build Just a Web Site?
Build a Website That

Do You Know Something About Anything?
A Hobby? A Passion? Any Interests? or Experience?

Are you a business owner, a sales agent or distributor (e.g. Real Estate), a physician, a chiropractor, a massage therapist, a writer or editor, a fitness instructor, an accountant, a webmaster, a network marketer, a work-from-home business owner, a retiree, a student, etc.?

Let your potential customers or buyers find you easily,
instead of you "trying" to find them.

Become an information entrepreneur. An infopreneur.
Basically... monetize what you know.

It's so simple. To build a website is not "easy" (real business takes some work)... it's simple. No technical barriers to stop you. Provide in-demand information ("Content") about something you know. From that point on, everything flows...

Let's review C T P M, the proven way to build any business online.

Web users search for information, for solutions. They are not looking for you - they don't know you (yet!). They seek what you know. Give it to them. Convert your knowledge into in-demand Content. To succeed online, start where they start - at "the search."

Your topical content ranks high at the Search Engines (ex., Google, Yahoo! MSN), attracting free, targeted (i.e., interested), open-to-you visitors. Basically, these future customers "meet you" at your site. These visitors are known as "Traffic."

(Click here to see how well C T P M drives Traffic.)

Video By SBI! Owner (more)
"Why Oregon Coast Guy Loves SBI!"


Complete strangers develop trust and confidence in you. How and why? You "PREsell" by OVERdelivering what they seek... relevant, original, information. Deliver it in your own voice, in your own way to go beyond mere confidence... your visitors will like you. Build a website
(Immediate "selling" on Web sites is ineffective unless you have a brand like Amazon.)

Convert warm, willing-to-buy ("PREsold") visitors into income. Called "Monetizing," this is the easy part. But "M" cannot happen if you fail to first execute C T P. This is where 99% of small businesses fail. It is what SBI! delivers.

Once you have your own PREsold traffic, you are in control. Blend in multiple streams of revenue, not one. Diversify into multiple streams of revenue to maximize income, growth and stability. (Click to see the common, effective, monetization options).

IMPORTANT Most small businesses think of themsleves as "being" only one monetization model... they sell hard goods (or e-goods) or they display Google AdSense ads or they offer professional services or they are affiliates, or-or-or. Instead, think "and-and-and."

Can we guarantee success through C T P M? Yes, we do. And we prove it, too...

Is The Only Infopreneurial Approach

Still in doubt and want to compare SBI with other web hosting company?

Then, be our guest...

Click here to see the comparison of SBI features with other web hosting company!

Our best proof of success is right here...

Site Build It! Case Studies!

Money-Back Satisfaction and Success Guarantee

Site Build It!

No time limits. Ask for your money back anytime. SBI will refund you 100% within the first 30 days of purchase, and on a pro-rata basis after that, for whatever part of the year remains.

Build A Website That Works... Back to Home page now.

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