The SBI Affiliate Program

Earn $75-$250 Per Subscription...
And Lifetime Commissions On Renewals!

Join the 5 Pillar SBI Affiliate Program

The 5 Pillar Program (SBI Affiliate Program), hailed as "the best affiliate program on the Net," allows serious full-time entrepreneurs to make a great living, while allowing part-timers to build a solid second income.

By becoming an active 5 Pillar Affiliate, you will:

  • Earn $75 for each Site Build It! ("SBI!") yearly subscription.
  • Earn $125 for each SBI! eLearning sale.
  • Earn $150-$250 for each SBI!-based SiteSell Services package.
  • Receive an annual bonus commission on each SBI! renewal (our lifetime customer policy).
  • Even earn commissions from 2 tiers of income through sales made by your own team of affiliates, just like Sales Directors do in large companies!

Over half of Site Build It! owners purchase more than one SBI! (some over 10!). Since the customer is yours for a lifetime, you earn commissions on those multiple sales. And, of course, on their renewals, too!

5 Pillar earnings really add up, fast. So, the SBI Affiliate program is working for YOU!

You will also receive several SiteSell resources (5 Pillar Program Video Tour, Orientation Guide, Quick Start Guide, and 5 Pillar Marketing Guide) and access to the extensive Promotion Center where you are provided with simple-to-use tools, strategies, and advice to help you succeed... both online and off.

(No, you don't even need a Web site. We offer special OFFline tools and strategies, too!)

It is absolutely free to join and only takes a minute to sign up...

Why The 5 Pillar Program Has Been Hailed As
"The Perfect Revenue Sharing Program"

Why do top 5 Pillar Affiliates have monthly incomes over $10,000? How do new affiliates regularly reach the $1,000/month (and growing) milestone? In three words....

"Income growth momentum."

SiteSell offers the highest quality product, Site Build It!, which OVERdelivers on its promise of e-business success. SBI! owners renew year after year. They also buy several SBI!s over the years, growing multiple e-businesses. You earn income on these purchases, too. So...

Combine a high payout structure on each sale, with lifetime commissions on renewals and additional purchases, and add an extra bonus from the earnings of your personal team of affiliates (Only with SBI Affiliate program). The result?

Income growth momentum.

What Universities And Colleges Say

As taught in over 25 Colleges and Universities!Major universities (ex., University of Arizona and Penn State), community colleges, and even MBA programs (ex., The Citadel) include SBI! in their curriculum. No other commercial product is offered by any school, anywhere.

Debbie Fisher, Manager of IT User Support Services of The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, had this to say...

"I wholeheartedly recommend SBI to friends and colleagues as the easiest, most comprehensive way I know to create and manage an on-line business."

Nadia Bissada, Manager of the Centre for Training & Development at Dawson College (enrollment of over 10,000), raves about the course...

"Last December, I attended an end-of course (graduation) event. Student's positive testimonials and enthusiasm about their learning experience and its potential dividends were overwhelming."

And J. Michael Alford, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of The Citadel School of Business Administration, wrote to us to say the following about the course...

"Site Build It!... is and will continue to have a long term impact upon the educational process at The Citadel and as far as we can tell now, around the globe."

No other e-business-building program has gained acceptance by the educational sector like SBI!. Be confident and proud to know that you change lives when you recommend Site Build It!.


The SBI Affiliate Program. Back to Home page now.

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Keywords: Solo Build It Affiliate Program, 10 best affiliate, affiliate marketing, advertising affiliate, affiliate per click

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