DXN Substockists in Canada

DXN Canada Main Stockist

Daehsan Canada Inc.

3950 Malden Road
Windsor, Ontario
N9G 2G

Tel: (519) 967-1522
Fax: (519) 967-1974
Email: distributorservice@dxncanada.ca

Order Inquiries/Suggestions
1-888-307-0280 Distributor Services
Email: info@dxncanada.ca

DXN Substockists, Western Provinces

1810 Lakewood Rd. South
Edmonton, Alberta
T6K 3B6
Contact: Razel R. Rogador
Tel: (780) 641-2951
Email: rrogador2002@msn.com

4202-111 Tarawood Lane NE
Calgary, AB
T3J 0H1
Contact: Mohammad Arshad
Tel: (403) 568-0677 Cell: (403) 975-8511
Email: inshal.calgary@gmail.com
758 Rochester Avenue
Coquitlam, British Columbia
V3K 2V8
Contact: Maaz Ghani
Tel: (604) 862-0984
Email: maaz_dxn@live.com

148 Leon Bell Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3T 5W9
Contact: Erbie Marquez
Tel: (204) 489-1481
Cell: (204) 951-5662
Email: efm_009@yahoo.com

Substockists, Ontario

39 Guilford Crescent
Brampton, Ontario
L6B 3K2
Contact: Allen Tapang
Tel: (416) 900-9716
Home: (905) 216-3301
Email: olderon44@gmail.com
3638 Twinmaple Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L4Y 3R1
Contact: Sobha Padiyath
Tel: (905) 272-2997
Email: rkpadiyath@hotmail.com
35 Ironwood Crescent
Hamilton, Ontario
L8W 3H6
Contact: Stephen Yap Lim
Tel: (905) 923-7548
Email: limhanchiong@yahoo.com

304-100 Graydon Hall Dr.
North York, On
M3A 3A7
Contact: Lawrence Seah
Tel: 1-416-510-2939
Cell: 1-416-789-8688
Email: lawseah@yahoo.ca

11 Oakworth Crescent
Toronto, Ontario
M1K 3T7
Contact: Rashmi Rastogi
Tel: (416) 332-0948
Cell: (416) 262-7518
Email: rashmirastogi@hotmail.com
1574 Howard Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
Contact: Shioney Martinez
Tel: (519) 997-5198
Cell: (248) 992-1478
Email: ehmartinez954@yahoo.ca

10711 Mulberry Road
Windsor, Ontario
N8R 1H7
Contact: Reuben Lampitoc
Tel: (519) 735-0280
Email: reublamp@hotmail.com

DXN Substockist, Quebec

8 Rue Therese
Gatineau, QC
J8R 3G8
Contact: Jeanette Toro/Charles Charron
Mobile: (819) 209-8156
Email: dxn.outaouais@gmail.com

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